I have concluded the main events of the character Alistair. He has been one of the most undefined character I have written yet. From when he and I set off on his journey from his hometown to run away to the Cliff Castle of Tserof to meet the Cliff Wizard, he was on one path. But as he met more and more people, different feelings and heard the news of what life his Father wanted for him, he changed drastically. I have only ever really written one character, Rachael, which was so wrapped up in her own misery there was just no way around her 'evil character' position in Hero and Tristan's story. Alistair has a lot of people who are hoping he can become detached from his feelings from his childhood and choose a path that he can become a decent man. But Alistair cannot just let go of the betrayal he feels from his Father's choice. Even when his mentor tells him to be careful, to choose the path that will not lead to destruction, Alistair does not.
Liam is another character which is turning into a obsessed man. His small rivalry with Cashing-ton is coming to a head. Liam, who was the first person to really believe in Alistair, has persuaded him to join his cause. War is coming on the tides of the ocean and the Wizards are trying to stop the few people from becoming swept away....
I find the whole world, the people, the lives and the storys I have thought up incredible. All coming from a simple love story between a strong willed woman and a scared Wizard.
So that is enough rambling for now. I need more coffee.
Be Blessed and smile.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Time Management
I have a problem. This problem has always plagued me and I am not sure if the problem is entirely bad. I tend to block my time. I will do an activity and nothing else until I have exhausted the activity. Example, upon being tired of the endless drabbles of Legolas Greenleaf/OC fan fictions (some are good, but they are the same idea over and over again...almost like being in an insane asylum, 'lets see how many different fabulously talented and beautiful women Legolas can bag during the WotR'). I will apologize to those who might read this and be one of the writers of such a story. I am guilty of the Legolas Romance with an OC. I do not mean any offense, for I also categorize myself in this category for some time as well. But do you agree...the idea is old and used. Much like my little brother's blanket. I digress.
So as I listen to the ending of the Fellowship of the Ring as I drive home from work, I become engaged in the hidden joy of the Riddermark and it's gallant riders. I listen to the meeting of the Riders of Rohan and the Three Hunters and wonder. Eomer, son of Eomund fan Fiction...so the last two weeks of my life has been to reading the escapades of Eomer and LothÃriel of Dol Amroth. So back to the subject, I have done nothing but read Eomer/Lothiriel fan fics for the last two weeks. My house is in need of a cleaning (good old' turnberry is picked up but vacuumed or swept, the poor dear), my own original stories took a back seat (though the newest story has taken up much of my time and thoughts during the previous days - the next attention divert-er). Sigh, so I need to force myself to 1.) read The Girl who Played With Fire, 2.) Finish Alistair's Story 3.) Continue Blanche and Miles' story 4.) RUN!!! 5.) Take care of my house.
Sigh, I do fear that the task of managing my time, my interests and obligations will be rather difficult as I tend to do these activities with a pumped up attitude (words of a cousin). Sigh, 'Tomorrow is another day, with no mistakes in it, yet'.
I will have to keep myself honest with blogging more too. Too many interests and loves, not enough time in the day.
So as I listen to the ending of the Fellowship of the Ring as I drive home from work, I become engaged in the hidden joy of the Riddermark and it's gallant riders. I listen to the meeting of the Riders of Rohan and the Three Hunters and wonder. Eomer, son of Eomund fan Fiction...so the last two weeks of my life has been to reading the escapades of Eomer and LothÃriel of Dol Amroth. So back to the subject, I have done nothing but read Eomer/Lothiriel fan fics for the last two weeks. My house is in need of a cleaning (good old' turnberry is picked up but vacuumed or swept, the poor dear), my own original stories took a back seat (though the newest story has taken up much of my time and thoughts during the previous days - the next attention divert-er). Sigh, so I need to force myself to 1.) read The Girl who Played With Fire, 2.) Finish Alistair's Story 3.) Continue Blanche and Miles' story 4.) RUN!!! 5.) Take care of my house.
Sigh, I do fear that the task of managing my time, my interests and obligations will be rather difficult as I tend to do these activities with a pumped up attitude (words of a cousin). Sigh, 'Tomorrow is another day, with no mistakes in it, yet'.
I will have to keep myself honest with blogging more too. Too many interests and loves, not enough time in the day.
Friday, August 26, 2011
A deep breath finally
The first weekend since June that my husband and I do not have to go anywhere, do anything or entertain anyone we do not want too. I will be having a movie marathon of Jane Eyre movies tomorrow with a few close friends, that is not too strenuous and I do not count as 'doing something'. This weekend will be a greatly needed deep breath of the dwindling summer. I read on facebook and twitter of my young friends and their excitement of college running, or of friends and family harvesting their gardens (mine which is doing fantastic, despite the poor seeds late start). See below for pictures of my awesome garden.
From a few months ago, my baby plants.
Above: My grown up garden.
Above: Baby Tomatoes!! "Oh... That's nice. Ash on my tomatoes" Pippin Tooke from LotR:FotR (movies)
Below: Baby Corn, sorry no LotR quote on this one.
Above: Monster lettuce. The little green leavies will be a bit bitter since I let them grow so large.
I also have been planning out my landscaping for next spring. I think with my lazy weekend I will separate my hostas and plan out other plants I want to buy and or plant this fall before the freeze.
I am about to finish the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Oh how addicting that book is. Another series which is tempting me to start is the Song of Fire and Ice. Oh I have fallen hard off of the 'read all the books you own before end of the year' bandwagon. September is here and I still have roughly 70 books to read. Ouch....Maybe I can do that this weekend too. I would be a champ if I could read 70 books in a weekend. Super human power I want, be able to read everything forever. Hahahaa.
I feel more relaxed now that my lazy weekend is here. Readers on the east coast be safe as Irene comes to visit and everyone enjoy your weekend.
From a few months ago, my baby plants.
Above: My grown up garden.
Above: Baby Tomatoes!! "Oh... That's nice. Ash on my tomatoes" Pippin Tooke from LotR:FotR (movies)
Below: Baby Corn, sorry no LotR quote on this one.
Above: Monster lettuce. The little green leavies will be a bit bitter since I let them grow so large.
I also have been planning out my landscaping for next spring. I think with my lazy weekend I will separate my hostas and plan out other plants I want to buy and or plant this fall before the freeze.
I am about to finish the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Oh how addicting that book is. Another series which is tempting me to start is the Song of Fire and Ice. Oh I have fallen hard off of the 'read all the books you own before end of the year' bandwagon. September is here and I still have roughly 70 books to read. Ouch....Maybe I can do that this weekend too. I would be a champ if I could read 70 books in a weekend. Super human power I want, be able to read everything forever. Hahahaa.
I feel more relaxed now that my lazy weekend is here. Readers on the east coast be safe as Irene comes to visit and everyone enjoy your weekend.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Deja vu
I have my living room in the house to myself and my own decorating style! The man cave is downstairs, we are using our whole house now! I have a table by the corner with all of our windows, over looking the front yard. Sitting here blogging about looking outside reminds me of when I would sit at the window in the apartment and blog. I have changed a busy street for a quiet one, a maple tree for a birch and an ash. I love sitting looking outside and being able to relax in my house as the music voice of John Rzeznik, Nick Thomas and others fill the room...as well as the AC (a big difference from the apartment). Growing up is not all that bad...but we have to pay bills yet tonight, so I may retract my words in a few words.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Silliness with Drawing
So, drawing. Yes I have been known to make some pretty cool stuff. But I have not worked at it and want some pointers. Despite many of my best friends and one of my brothers being art majors/artists, I still bought a book/box set on how to draw. I think I may know most of what is in the book but at least I will be assured I am on the right path. Here's to being an idiot. Haha!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Just keep running, just keep running
So I was quiet the runner about 5 years ago. Due to mental weakness and a really shitty environment (despite living and hanging out with other runners) I lost it. Now I am probably classified as a jogger. That bothers me. I do not regret the time that I took off because if I didn't I would not want to think about taking one step out of my door. But now I'm having motivational issues. I want to get out there and train but I am using excuses like work, being tired, laziness to keep me from running. I also have a problem with eating which makes me feel guilty. Oh the joys of a post collegiate runner....
But I want to start running everyday. I fill run every day. So I have a page where I am going to post my runs. Give a small post of how it went and what the weather was like, etc. The excel spreadsheets weren't doing it for me (and a former engineering student. I love spread sheets!!) So here we go. Stay tuned! Emma is back on the trail!!!
But I want to start running everyday. I fill run every day. So I have a page where I am going to post my runs. Give a small post of how it went and what the weather was like, etc. The excel spreadsheets weren't doing it for me (and a former engineering student. I love spread sheets!!) So here we go. Stay tuned! Emma is back on the trail!!!
Friday, May 27, 2011
House of Dreams
So, I am officially a home owner. My fiancee and I bought a house last Friday and we love it!! The great part is that the house feels like our home already. The last week has flown by and we have most of the house put together and put away. Only a few small dragons have emerged as we have tested things out in the house, like the garbage disposal. (It does not work). I love my house and I cannot wait to continue to watch it grow over the years.
My favorite part of the house (though I have not been able to utilize it yet) is the back yard. we have almost an acre and a lot of it I am hoping can be turned into a garden someday. But since I cut open my palm, I am not able to get outside and mess around in the dirt. Which saddens me. we have ash, maple, pine and lilac. Spiria and other evergreen bushes are in the front. Two little hostas are near two of the windows...I will have to get rid of the evergreen bushes (they are not my favorite) and put in more hosta. I do love hosta. I cannot wait to break ground on my veggie garden, herb garden and flower garden. I am looking for places for each. The veggie and herb might have to go together, but my flowers might be able to be scattered around the property.
I am happy with our decision and I will love to grow old here. My House of Dreams. (An Anne Shirley-ism there!! :) )
My favorite part of the house (though I have not been able to utilize it yet) is the back yard. we have almost an acre and a lot of it I am hoping can be turned into a garden someday. But since I cut open my palm, I am not able to get outside and mess around in the dirt. Which saddens me. we have ash, maple, pine and lilac. Spiria and other evergreen bushes are in the front. Two little hostas are near two of the windows...I will have to get rid of the evergreen bushes (they are not my favorite) and put in more hosta. I do love hosta. I cannot wait to break ground on my veggie garden, herb garden and flower garden. I am looking for places for each. The veggie and herb might have to go together, but my flowers might be able to be scattered around the property.
I am happy with our decision and I will love to grow old here. My House of Dreams. (An Anne Shirley-ism there!! :) )
Monday, May 16, 2011
Back on Track...
A lot of time and books have passed since I was stumped on a book that I could not get through. The Children's Book by A.S. Byatt was one such book. I enjoyed what I read but I could not get myself to read more then a few pages at a time. I decided to put the book back on the shelf and grab another. That was 2 weeks ago and I have read 2.5 books. Not as many books as I would like to have read in that amount of time but with a wedding and moving into a house has taken a lot of time.
The House at Riverton was a great book. I loved the narrator, Grace. I loved learning about her life after the 'event', and all the events leading to the 'event'. I also felt it was rather poignant to read the last few months of a dying woman. To live her feelings of her past, wishes for the short future and dreams of seeing her grandson. Ursula was a great character, despite the limited interaction the reader has with her. I liked her. The sacrifices the serving class made to ensure the wealthy had the life they wanted was incredulous. I know this was a fictitious book and the real life servants of the wealthy of the late 1800 - 1920s were not as romanticized as the book depicts but when Grace gives up her life with Alfred, I cried. All because she felt she could not leave her lady. Oh wonderful...the event. The feelings of the 'event' were all selfishness and jealousy. There was no love or happiness. Only selfishness, lust and jealousy. I loved this book. It was amazing.
Dark Watch by Clive Cussler. One of the best Oregon Series I have read to date. I have 3 more I think, but I enjoyed this book a lot. The human trafficking was sad and horrible to read through Eddie's point of view. Juan's only dedication and hatred towards people who would promote human trafficking and enslavement. I love the characters and the action adventures the crew on the Oregon go on. I would continue but I have read/blogged enough on Clive Cussler that I do not need to continue other then say, if you like Juan Cabrillo, read Dark Watch.
On to the next book! :)
The House at Riverton was a great book. I loved the narrator, Grace. I loved learning about her life after the 'event', and all the events leading to the 'event'. I also felt it was rather poignant to read the last few months of a dying woman. To live her feelings of her past, wishes for the short future and dreams of seeing her grandson. Ursula was a great character, despite the limited interaction the reader has with her. I liked her. The sacrifices the serving class made to ensure the wealthy had the life they wanted was incredulous. I know this was a fictitious book and the real life servants of the wealthy of the late 1800 - 1920s were not as romanticized as the book depicts but when Grace gives up her life with Alfred, I cried. All because she felt she could not leave her lady. Oh wonderful...the event. The feelings of the 'event' were all selfishness and jealousy. There was no love or happiness. Only selfishness, lust and jealousy. I loved this book. It was amazing.
Dark Watch by Clive Cussler. One of the best Oregon Series I have read to date. I have 3 more I think, but I enjoyed this book a lot. The human trafficking was sad and horrible to read through Eddie's point of view. Juan's only dedication and hatred towards people who would promote human trafficking and enslavement. I love the characters and the action adventures the crew on the Oregon go on. I would continue but I have read/blogged enough on Clive Cussler that I do not need to continue other then say, if you like Juan Cabrillo, read Dark Watch.
On to the next book! :)
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Ponderings on growing up
I returned to the place of my higher education this past weekend. Over the weekend, I figured out that the people which I enjoyed spending time with were the people who were about to take the next step in their lives.
I sat around and visited with Katie. I wish we had more time to hang out and that I had read the chapters which were supposed to have discussed in our current book. I truely hope that Katie and I can be near enough to be able to meet up and have our wonderful talks. I miss her terribly.
Next, along with Katie, I viewed my brothers installation on sexual assault. I do have to say my brother is amazing. His progression as an artist can be seen in the different figures but the over all effect of the piece is amazing. I am so proud of him.
The rest of the day was spent celebrating Holly's impending marriage. The Platteville Winery was a nice surprise, despite the politics which seems to infiltrate everything these days. The wine was good and the company better. After the winery, nail polish, girly drinks, funny presents and cookies were the major components before dinner.
I sat around and visited with Katie. I wish we had more time to hang out and that I had read the chapters which were supposed to have discussed in our current book. I truely hope that Katie and I can be near enough to be able to meet up and have our wonderful talks. I miss her terribly.
Next, along with Katie, I viewed my brothers installation on sexual assault. I do have to say my brother is amazing. His progression as an artist can be seen in the different figures but the over all effect of the piece is amazing. I am so proud of him.
The rest of the day was spent celebrating Holly's impending marriage. The Platteville Winery was a nice surprise, despite the politics which seems to infiltrate everything these days. The wine was good and the company better. After the winery, nail polish, girly drinks, funny presents and cookies were the major components before dinner.
Dinner conversation turned to a touchy topic, the recent break up of two good friends. I realized how horrid woman can be to each other, myself included. The gossip wheel can take things and distort events and feelings. I hope most of those girls can realize how horrid the gossip wheel is and that once you are out in the 'real world' how small and insignificant your life is. Or how little people care next to their own problems. I realized how easy it is to slip back into the rotating wheel of gossip.
Dancing, drinking and heels followed the eating of yummy, greasy pizza. Getting away from the suction of gossip, I got to know a sister of a friend who is amazing and fun. I was very happy to meet her.
The night wore on and I realized my age, or is it just the lack of being able to stay up late and still be able to do everything the next day? We will just say that I am not made for staying up late with the college girls anymore. I guess that is what 5am will do to you. After walking home with a wonderful friend, and being too awake to tell myself sleeping on a couch will be a good thing, I drove back to my home with my love.
As I slipt into bed and snuggled my love close, I realized I am glad I am done with college. I have a job I love, a man I am marring and love deeply, and a bright future. I do not regret the lessons I learned while I was in school. Nor do I regret the people I learned to love, accept and hate or the memories attached with those people.
I know life may not always seem so bright as it does at this moment as the sun shines and the leaves bud from the maple tree outside my window, but I am confident that I will love growing up.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Brrrrr....I am so glad Spring is here
Spring brings so many new and beautiful beginnings. 2011 is no different, unless you are me, which you are not. Sorry. But 2011 brings so many new beginnings. We have an accepted offer on a house and hopefully will be closing in May, June carries the beginning of Summer and the beginning of my married life. Besides my wedding, there are three other friends starting their married life. But besides all these wonderfully amazing beginnings, winter still has a hold on the lands of Wisconsin. 34 degrees on april 20 is a great day. A great day to stay inside and dream about the warm days and the wonderful beginnings of spring.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
A Bad Turn
The Wheel of Fortune...it is an interesting concept to think about. Times are good and times are bad. The Wheel turns and the cycle begins again. You are on top then you are rolling in the dust of life...This week was a low point for people I know. At the beginning, two good friends of mine broke up after a long rough patch. Early in the week a family I knew well when I was in middle and high school were accused and charged with child abuse. Around midweek a friend in college had a heart break. His sister died in a car accident. Life will get better as the wheel begins its climb towards the top. The climb is hard and getting over heart break and embarrassing realizations of your family will take time, but life will get better. RIP Megan Clift and my thoughts are with the children I grew up with.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
As amazing as January was for reading, I have come to an almost stand still. I gained a full time job which decreased my time to read, as well as my ability to stay up past 9pm. No with wedding invitations to get out the door, I have found myself at a stand still...a delay in my yearly goal to read all the books I have not read but own. I am currently reading The Children's Book and I find that the even though I enjoy the book, it is slow and I cannot find myself reading much more then 10 pages before falling asleep. Now is the time for determination. I will finish this book, despite its lack of interest and rather lazy sunny sunday afternoon feel to it, I will finish it...but only after I finish my invitations...
Monday, February 7, 2011
Green Bay Packers
Go Pack Go! What a game. Hats off to the Steelers. As much as I loved the close game (probably only because we won) I could have used a bit less stress on the heart. But 'Gosh darn it, I'd do anyting for da Packers'. Way to go guys. The Lombardi Trophy is back home.
Go Pack Go! What a game. Hats off to the Steelers. As much as I loved the close game (probably only because we won) I could have used a bit less stress on the heart. But 'Gosh darn it, I'd do anyting for da Packers'. Way to go guys. The Lombardi Trophy is back home.
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Image found from Google. I do not own. |
Titanic and Byzanium
Who would have thought that the Cold War, radioactive elements and the Titanic would all be connected in some way or form? But they are in Raise the Titanic! I mostly picked up this book because I am fascinated by the Titanic. But the book written by Clive Cussler was written before the Titanic was actually discovered. In Raise the Titanic! radioactive material, Byzanium, is needed for a defense project by the US. The Russians figure out the super secret defense project and decide that since the Byzanium was found on Russian soil that the Byzanium belongs to Russia to use as they deemed worthy. But Dirk Pitt and NUMA will not allow that to happen. Sparing the total recap of the book, I loved it. A lot of the book was set up but I love the historical treasure hunt to find the location of the hidden item and the fact that the Titanic was involved was awesome. Not alot about the Titanic was actually discussed other then her miraculously perfect condition (considering being on the bottom of an ocean for 76 years and being struck by an iceberg) and that she wasn't found right below where she sunk. Totally intact, NUMA led by Pitt raised the Titanic and she is brought back to New York. The last few chapters when the Titanic finished her maiden voyage brought tears to my eyes. How awesome would that be if the Titanic would be able to be salvaged...awesome.
Pitt seemed less Dirk Pitt-ish then other books of the Dirk Pitt series I have read, except at the end. Since he is also a Titanic fanatic, maybe it was her presence that led Pitt to subdue his arrogant, womanizing behavior. But I enjoy reading about Pitt and he held his own and was pretty much amazing in the book. Cussler did a great job with this book and I love the forward discussing the discovery of the Titanic and how despite the similarities of Cussler's mind and the actual facts of the Titanic, Dirk Pitt was the first to see her. Amazing...
One of the most interesting books I have read. It may not be the best written or the next literary masterpiece but my fascination with the Titanic and the love of a good action adventure, not to mention the Cold War interest as well, makes this book awesome. I am top shelf-ing Raise the Titanic!.
Pitt seemed less Dirk Pitt-ish then other books of the Dirk Pitt series I have read, except at the end. Since he is also a Titanic fanatic, maybe it was her presence that led Pitt to subdue his arrogant, womanizing behavior. But I enjoy reading about Pitt and he held his own and was pretty much amazing in the book. Cussler did a great job with this book and I love the forward discussing the discovery of the Titanic and how despite the similarities of Cussler's mind and the actual facts of the Titanic, Dirk Pitt was the first to see her. Amazing...
One of the most interesting books I have read. It may not be the best written or the next literary masterpiece but my fascination with the Titanic and the love of a good action adventure, not to mention the Cold War interest as well, makes this book awesome. I am top shelf-ing Raise the Titanic!.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Plays at the beginning of the blizzard
I love reading Shakespeare! So far I have read three comedies and one tragedy. I really like the comedies, but I feel I should read a tragedy I have little background in (I read Romeo and Juliet) and see what I think of them. Maybe Othello or Julius Cesare.
I really liked Taming the Shrew, it was a very interesting play to read. I can see why it is so controversial. I do not agree with women being submissive towards men, but as a comedy, Taming of the Shrew was funny. Upon completing Taming of the Shrew, I did a little research to figure out if Shakespeare really meant the play to be as anti-feminist as the play is or if more satirical in nature. Mixed reviews all the way around the board, from the little shallow research I did. I'm going to choose to take the view that the play is entertainment and meant to be funny rather then caring a message of whoever.
Let me know reasons to change my mind if you disagree. :) I love discussions on books!
Now I have done a very good job at reading the books I in my possession to cut down on the amount of unread books I own. Out of the 32 days of 2011, I have read 7 books and am in the process of reading three of them. One as a book club book (The Wings of a Falcon), one for my own knowledge (Idiots guide to Tarot) and the last as one step closer to my goal in 2011, (Raising the Titanic). Now to grab Raising the Titanic and a blanket and settle in for the blizzard which will cover the land in another 5-10 inches of snow. You got to love Wisconsin Winters.
I really liked Taming the Shrew, it was a very interesting play to read. I can see why it is so controversial. I do not agree with women being submissive towards men, but as a comedy, Taming of the Shrew was funny. Upon completing Taming of the Shrew, I did a little research to figure out if Shakespeare really meant the play to be as anti-feminist as the play is or if more satirical in nature. Mixed reviews all the way around the board, from the little shallow research I did. I'm going to choose to take the view that the play is entertainment and meant to be funny rather then caring a message of whoever.
Let me know reasons to change my mind if you disagree. :) I love discussions on books!
Now I have done a very good job at reading the books I in my possession to cut down on the amount of unread books I own. Out of the 32 days of 2011, I have read 7 books and am in the process of reading three of them. One as a book club book (The Wings of a Falcon), one for my own knowledge (Idiots guide to Tarot) and the last as one step closer to my goal in 2011, (Raising the Titanic). Now to grab Raising the Titanic and a blanket and settle in for the blizzard which will cover the land in another 5-10 inches of snow. You got to love Wisconsin Winters.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Snow!! :)
Lots of snow is heading this way and I am excited for the prospect of having work canceled, a warm drink and a book while I sit in my apartment. But in all reality, I'll go to work and earn a living like everyone else. But one can hope right?
10-20" between today and tomorrow. Bring it on! I like winter.
Stay safe everyone! :)
10-20" between today and tomorrow. Bring it on! I like winter.
Stay safe everyone! :)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Real Life
I watched a movie today. It was cute and very me...happy ending, romance, reconciliation, friendship, and love. I was so wrapped up in the movie and after wards I am thinking to myself, I wish I had friends like that or a life that that. but then I think, I love my life. Thinking deeper into my thought, I realized being depressed, having someone there for you, and after you climb out of the hole you dug for yourself...I had that. I still have that. The real life view of the situation isn't as spectacularly amazing as the ending of a movie. But I take that back, the love of my life proposed to me after I made the finally pull and got myself out of the hole I dug for myself and I am going to spend the rest of my life with someone who makes me happy. I understand I'm still in the mooning phase of my relationship, but he was there when I was at my lowest. I like real life and I wouldn't trade it for any romanticized view of life.
I love realizing I love my life. I hope everyone can find one positive thing that happened in their day and cling to it. Hold on to the happiness for you never know when things will turn for the worst. Wow, how romantically optimistic is that...
I love realizing I love my life. I hope everyone can find one positive thing that happened in their day and cling to it. Hold on to the happiness for you never know when things will turn for the worst. Wow, how romantically optimistic is that...
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
I updated the Books Read page to include the rest of the fall books I read (which is not many) and the books I have finished and am currently read. :)
I hope everyone is enjoying the lovely winter despite the tons of snow everyone is getting. :)
I hope everyone is enjoying the lovely winter despite the tons of snow everyone is getting. :)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Mists and Romances
Despite the fact that I broke resolution number 3 within I think hours of making said resolution, I am almost done reading all of the books I bought. The Bridal Quartet series by Nora Roberts is cute. I love Nora Roberts (NR). She and her romance novels are wonderful. To me despite an escape from reality of how people act and how romances actually work in the real world, NR books almost cleanse my mind after very difficult or deep books.
Case in point, The Mists of Avalon. A WONDERFUL book, but one that I need to take a step back from, no matter how I long to read and find out what Morgaine is going to do and how to fulfill Vivianne's mission in life. So that is how I have plowed my way through 3 of the 4 books in the Bridal Quartet. But yesterday I did read from Mists of Avalon and I thought to myself, how much Morgaine was becoming Vivianne as she has aged. Also, Morgaine has conceived a child from Accolon's during the eclipse.Every time I think the story has to be slowing down another twist or turn is laid out in front of me. Mists of Avalon is amazing and I cannot wait to finish the last 150 pages of the book. What will happen to Arthur and Gwenhwyfar? will Mordred take down Arthur and claim the thrown for Avalon? Will Morgaine have a happy ending (which I feel isn't likely), how will Accolon die? Oh so many questions to answer in the last portion of the book.
I feel that Mists of Avalon is right up there with The Count of Monte Cristo. Such an amazing book I am so happy that I picked up the book and kick myself for resisting so long in reading it.
Well, the bread is almost ready to be baked, have a wonderful day!
Case in point, The Mists of Avalon. A WONDERFUL book, but one that I need to take a step back from, no matter how I long to read and find out what Morgaine is going to do and how to fulfill Vivianne's mission in life. So that is how I have plowed my way through 3 of the 4 books in the Bridal Quartet. But yesterday I did read from Mists of Avalon and I thought to myself, how much Morgaine was becoming Vivianne as she has aged. Also, Morgaine has conceived a child from Accolon's during the eclipse.Every time I think the story has to be slowing down another twist or turn is laid out in front of me. Mists of Avalon is amazing and I cannot wait to finish the last 150 pages of the book. What will happen to Arthur and Gwenhwyfar? will Mordred take down Arthur and claim the thrown for Avalon? Will Morgaine have a happy ending (which I feel isn't likely), how will Accolon die? Oh so many questions to answer in the last portion of the book.
I feel that Mists of Avalon is right up there with The Count of Monte Cristo. Such an amazing book I am so happy that I picked up the book and kick myself for resisting so long in reading it.
Well, the bread is almost ready to be baked, have a wonderful day!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Pitfalls and the Long Haul
So I might have already broken New Years Resolutions 1-3. I have been active and done something every day but not for 30 minutes. I have had 1-3 sugary things almost every day and I bought 6 new books since I said I wouldn't. So now it's time to revamp.
1.)No sugary things except on Wed. (movie and dinner night with friends).
2.) Make yourself do something active every day. 30 mins. min.
3.) No more books until all are read.
I think No. 3 will be easier now due to the fact my fiancee and I are actively searching for a house. We have said we are going to save up and have a 20% downpayment on the house. I have to keep that in mind.
With the wedding coming up No. 1 and 2 should be easier as well. I just need to get rubber bands and every time I get the urge to eat sugar..snap the rubber band and go get a drink of water. Cues are great and I know this has worked before when I stopped biting my nails (which thinking about it should be No. 4: Again, stop biting nails).
Only 156 days until my wedding. Oh, I am getting impacient. But as a friend reminded me today, I need to enjoy everyday and not look forward so much. Time passes either way and I should enjoy right now as much as the future. For one day the future will be the present and if I'm trained to look forward I will not enjoy the major events in my life.
Oh bright sunshine, I love you. Happy times. Despite pitfalls with resolutions and the long haul til the wedding (And house), I love me and I love today. Happy January 6th everyone!
1.)No sugary things except on Wed. (movie and dinner night with friends).
2.) Make yourself do something active every day. 30 mins. min.
3.) No more books until all are read.
I think No. 3 will be easier now due to the fact my fiancee and I are actively searching for a house. We have said we are going to save up and have a 20% downpayment on the house. I have to keep that in mind.
With the wedding coming up No. 1 and 2 should be easier as well. I just need to get rubber bands and every time I get the urge to eat sugar..snap the rubber band and go get a drink of water. Cues are great and I know this has worked before when I stopped biting my nails (which thinking about it should be No. 4: Again, stop biting nails).
Only 156 days until my wedding. Oh, I am getting impacient. But as a friend reminded me today, I need to enjoy everyday and not look forward so much. Time passes either way and I should enjoy right now as much as the future. For one day the future will be the present and if I'm trained to look forward I will not enjoy the major events in my life.
Oh bright sunshine, I love you. Happy times. Despite pitfalls with resolutions and the long haul til the wedding (And house), I love me and I love today. Happy January 6th everyone!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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