Despite the fact that I broke resolution number 3 within I think hours of making said resolution, I am almost done reading all of the books I bought. The Bridal Quartet series by Nora Roberts is cute. I love Nora Roberts (NR). She and her romance novels are wonderful. To me despite an escape from reality of how people act and how romances actually work in the real world, NR books almost cleanse my mind after very difficult or deep books.
Case in point, The Mists of Avalon. A WONDERFUL book, but one that I need to take a step back from, no matter how I long to read and find out what Morgaine is going to do and how to fulfill Vivianne's mission in life. So that is how I have plowed my way through 3 of the 4 books in the Bridal Quartet. But yesterday I did read from Mists of Avalon and I thought to myself, how much Morgaine was becoming Vivianne as she has aged. Also, Morgaine has conceived a child from Accolon's during the eclipse.Every time I think the story has to be slowing down another twist or turn is laid out in front of me. Mists of Avalon is amazing and I cannot wait to finish the last 150 pages of the book. What will happen to Arthur and Gwenhwyfar? will Mordred take down Arthur and claim the thrown for Avalon? Will Morgaine have a happy ending (which I feel isn't likely), how will Accolon die? Oh so many questions to answer in the last portion of the book.
I feel that Mists of Avalon is right up there with The Count of Monte Cristo. Such an amazing book I am so happy that I picked up the book and kick myself for resisting so long in reading it.
Well, the bread is almost ready to be baked, have a wonderful day!
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