I have concluded the main events of the character Alistair. He has been one of the most undefined character I have written yet. From when he and I set off on his journey from his hometown to run away to the Cliff Castle of Tserof to meet the Cliff Wizard, he was on one path. But as he met more and more people, different feelings and heard the news of what life his Father wanted for him, he changed drastically. I have only ever really written one character, Rachael, which was so wrapped up in her own misery there was just no way around her 'evil character' position in Hero and Tristan's story. Alistair has a lot of people who are hoping he can become detached from his feelings from his childhood and choose a path that he can become a decent man. But Alistair cannot just let go of the betrayal he feels from his Father's choice. Even when his mentor tells him to be careful, to choose the path that will not lead to destruction, Alistair does not.
Liam is another character which is turning into a obsessed man. His small rivalry with Cashing-ton is coming to a head. Liam, who was the first person to really believe in Alistair, has persuaded him to join his cause. War is coming on the tides of the ocean and the Wizards are trying to stop the few people from becoming swept away....
I find the whole world, the people, the lives and the storys I have thought up incredible. All coming from a simple love story between a strong willed woman and a scared Wizard.
So that is enough rambling for now. I need more coffee.
Be Blessed and smile.
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