So, I am officially a home owner. My fiancee and I bought a house last Friday and we love it!! The great part is that the house feels like our home already. The last week has flown by and we have most of the house put together and put away. Only a few small dragons have emerged as we have tested things out in the house, like the garbage disposal. (It does not work). I love my house and I cannot wait to continue to watch it grow over the years.
My favorite part of the house (though I have not been able to utilize it yet) is the back yard. we have almost an acre and a lot of it I am hoping can be turned into a garden someday. But since I cut open my palm, I am not able to get outside and mess around in the dirt. Which saddens me. we have ash, maple, pine and lilac. Spiria and other evergreen bushes are in the front. Two little hostas are near two of the windows...I will have to get rid of the evergreen bushes (they are not my favorite) and put in more hosta. I do love hosta. I cannot wait to break ground on my veggie garden, herb garden and flower garden. I am looking for places for each. The veggie and herb might have to go together, but my flowers might be able to be scattered around the property.
I am happy with our decision and I will love to grow old here. My House of Dreams. (An Anne Shirley-ism there!! :) )
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