Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Year and A Day

I looked at an almanac today and I realized how much changes in a year.

November 23rd 2009 I was coming home from GIS waiting for tuesday to end so I could go home on Wednesday for Thanksgiving.

Novemeber 23rd 2010 I am waiting to go to work at one of two part time jobs, engaged and not doing what I thought or dreamed I would be doing as a twenty four year old woman. I am living down the street from the hospital that I was born in.

November 23rd 2011I will be a quarter of a century old and married.

November 23rd 1986 I came home from the hostipal for the first time having been born two months early.

In a year life will change and it is amazing to think of what you accomplish in a year and all the times with friends and family. I was told today by an seamstress that times like Thanksgiving or Christmas, whether you think the holiday is commercial, overrated or not of your religion, those days when all your friends and family come together are the days that break up life and make life worth living for, worth remembering.

It is is a little early, but Give Thanks to all who are in your life.

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