Friday, November 19, 2010


I feel like I cannot wait for the weekend. Even though I work both days of the weekend but the fact that it is Friday nearing lunch, I just cannot wait for everyone to be doing something so they are not posting dumb things on facebook. Then I just realized as I went to go and state in a rather irritable state that if someone doesn't want to know about a movie, or a game or what ever you are not up to date on then do not read it...but then I realized I needed to take my own advice. So that blew all the steam out of my slight rant.

But back to my normal self, I love The Mists of Avalon. I did not find a lot of time to read this weekend and I am still on book one but it's great. Vivianne and Morgaine are great. I am interested in the younger life of Arthur and the little glimpses of Galahad are great! Maybe tonight I will brew a pot of coffee and read all night. :)

I love gray, cold November days. I just wish I could stay inside and read and write about Alistair. Instead I get to make people happy by selling them pretty things. But Alistair's Story is going well. I'm still running into difficulty with making him a bumbling, awkward young man, but I think I am getting there. I hope. :)

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